Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Joni

Joni Crandall

            Joni just turned 21.  I love Joni…she is one of the sweetest, most spiritual girls that I know.  She is also a great artist and very intelligent.
                Joni’s favorite food is Top Romen…before it is cooked.  She loves Peanut Butter Pie and Sour Gummi Worms.
            Her favorite restaurant is “Texas Roadhouse”…Good choice…at least I think it is because that is my favorite also…I love the rolls.
            Joni’s favorite book is “The Prydain Chronicles” by Lloyd Alexander, her favorite movie…”The Shining” and her favorite TV show is “Psych”
            The song she likes most is “Electric Blue” by Icehouse.
            Joni loves drawing and like I mentioned…she is very very good at it…Joni is a very talented girl.  She also loves reading, writing, playing videogames and day dreaming.
            Joni is very quiet, but makes a great impact on everyone.  Some of the things that the class had to say about her are:
                “Joni is quiet and sweet.  Love having her come!”
                “Joni has a sweet spirit and is a super good artist.”
                “Great Spirit…wish I could be that spiritual.”
                “Happy Birthday Joni…Hope your birthday is a great day!”
                “Joni,  Happy Birthday.  You are so sweet and an amazing artist!”
                “Very Intelligent!”
                “Bomb Artist”
                “Very cute and sweet.”
                “Joni always makes me feel good and like I really matter.”
Joni…you are a sweet heart…we love having you in our class.

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Derek

Derek Daggs

            Derek is one of the neatest kids I have met…He is not the newest kid in YSA, but he is the newest member of the church in our YSA.  He was baptized by Clayton Russell and probably converted by Tara Russell.  Derek has been attending our ward group for quite some time, but has just recently actually moved into the war.  He and Tara Russell are “The Couple” of our YSA group…and a cute couple they are. 
Derek is attending SLCC part time and works full time at CFO Wasatch ATV…Monday through Friday…8-5.  So if you are on the look for a good ATV…I would get in touch with Derek.
He loves Spaghetti, Banana Cream Pie and Snickers and his favorite restaurant is “Olive Garden”
Derek’s favorite book is “Enders Game, his favorite movie is “How to Train Your Dragon” and his favorite TV show is “That 70’s Show”
He loves go karting, Moto-x, snowmobiling soccer and being with Tara…imagine that?
                Derek is a huge asset to our class. It has been really great to watch him grow and become spiritually strong.
            Everyone loves and admires him.  Here are a few thoughts from the class about Derek:
                “He is always here and smiling.”
                “One Great Guy.  Super funny, caring and amazingly sweet to my sister.”  (Wonder who wrote that one???)
                “Happy Birthday Derek…Have a great day!”
                “Derek is such a sweet guy.  Happy Birthday…Thank you for being such an example to me.”  (Bet you can guess who wrote that one also.)
                “Very Handsome…”  (Watch out Tara…you might have some competition.)
                “Great guy with a wonderful spirit.”
Derek is truly an amazing kid.  We are all lucky to have him as the strong example that he is…

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Rylee

Rylee Rollins

            Rylee is almost our Holiday Child…born on July 23, 1991.
She attends UVU full time and is studying nursing.  She also works at the Intermountain Allergy and Asthma Clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
                The first I really got to know Rylee was at girl’s camp.  She went with us for 2 or 3 years, but the first is the one I remember best.
We went to Moon Lake and I guess she decided to be the infamous Moon Lake Monster as you can see in the above picture…totally covered herself in mud when we were down at the lake…it was the funniest thing…Loved it!
            Rylee loves anything with bread and cheese, brownies and anything chocolate.
Her favorite restaurant is “Olive Garden”.
            She loves the Twilight Series and the Percy Jackson Series.
Her favorite movie is “Transformers” and her favorite TV Show is “Friday Night Lights”.
She likes the musical group “The Maine” but does not have a favorite song.
            If you are looking for an adventurous date Rylee is the girl to ask…her favorite date has been to go rock climbing.
            She loves reading about history and historical fiction, basketball and volleyball and sleeping and reading.
            Rylee is a very spiritual and devoted girl…we miss her as our YSA Sunday School Teacher as she is now teaching Primary and is not with us very often.
Everyone in the class loves her and has some great things to say about her.
                “Love it when Rylee is here.  She is always so nice and happy.  Love hanging with her.”
                “Such a great girl and a great example.  Super kind and an Amazing Saint.”
                “Very Kind!!!”
                “Happy Birthday Rylee!  If I could get you the Porsche you want I would!!!  Hope you have a Great Day!!!”
                “Oh Rylee…I just adore Rylee.  She is super thoughtful and just hilarious!   I Love that cute girl.”
                “Rylee is Happy.”
                “Makes our class better when she is here.”
Rylee is a great girl.  We love having her part of our group.

Happy Birthday Rylee