Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Sione

Sione is a fun guy to have in class.  He always sits in the same place…right back corner.
Yet it is noticed if he is not with us.  He has such a pleasant, quiet personality and is
definatly an asset to our group.
Sione was born on April 18, 1991 and turns 20 today!!!
Sione is planning on going to school in the medical field, but for right now he is working Monday through Friday selling internet sites.
Sione says his favorite foods are Pizza, Italian and Greek Food…but says he is not picky.
His favorite restaurants are Joy Luck, Charlie Chows and Benihanas.  He likes any deseret but is not really big on candy…Lucky…how I wish I weren't.  He says that if he had to choose a favorite candy it would be snickers or twix. 
Sione doesn't watch much TV but likes horror, comedy and action movies.
He likes rap, hip-hop, oldies and reggae music…lifting weights and making music.
His favorite sports are football and rugby and he enjoys 'chillaxin' with his friends.
We asked Sione what his favorite date was and his reply was that he has not been on one yet…so ladies we have some work to do here. 

Some of the things that the class had to say about Sione are:
"Ambitious, Big Ego."
"Is a Great Example and Spirit."
"He is very funny."
"Quiet but Powerful"
"Very quiet.  Doesn't say much.  I like him just for that."
"Very Quiet, but has a good spirit.  It's nice to have him around."
"He has got a cute smile."
"Sione is very funny."

We are really fortunate to have Sione as part of our Young Single Adult Group.

Happy Birthday Sione!!!


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