Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Tyler



and TYLER!!!

Tyler is one of our outstanding Young Single Adults.

Tyler was born on January 14, 1983.

He has graduated from BYU in Computer Science…and now he works at the University of Utah…All I can say to that is WOW!  So Tyler…on the big game days do you wear Blue or Red?

He loves pizza, peach cobbler and peanut butter cups.

His favorite restaurant is The Blue Iguana…I must say he has good taste in restaurants…
So girls if anyone is looking for a hot date…an invitation to the Blue Iguana just might get you one.

Here are some other favorites:
Movie - "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade"
TV Shows - "Mash", Macgyver" and "Starsky and Hutch"
Music Group - "They Might Be Giants"

He loves sports - basketball or volleyball - either watching or playing…reading and playing games.

What I admire most about Tyler is that he has a strong Testimony and demonstrates his beliefs with his every action. 

Here are some of the thoughts from our class members on Tyler:

"Tyler is really good at volleyball, especially jumping and spiking."

"He is a great example of standing for your beliefs."

"We play volleyball and he can reach over me!"

"Tyler is so nice to everyone."

"Tyler is really nice even though he is so quiet.  I like the comments he makes during class."

"Tyler teaches great lessons."

"Tyler is a Sweetheart and a Great Teacher."

"Tyler is very quiet, but a nice guy.  He is very smart about gospel topics.  He can also spin a pen or pencil really fast in between his fingers…it's really cool to watch."

Tyler…you are obviously a great example to all your peers and you are a great attribute to our Young Single Adult Program…and yes….even though I have not witnessed it…you must be a pretty awesome Volley Ball Player.  We are very blessed to have you among us.

Happy Birthday Tyler!

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